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Only the Brave Will Bring Romania to Greatness
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H.E. Adrian Zuckerman, former United States Ambassador to Romania (2019–2021), has authored an editorial from Mar-a-Lago ahead of Romania's presidential elections.
Adrian Zuckerman, ambasadorul SUA în România (2019-2021)
Adrian Zuckerman, ambasadorul SUA în România (2019-2021)

The former head of the U.S. diplomatic mission in Romania published his opinion piece in the American magazine Newsmax, and DefenseRomania has republished the full article.



At the time of this writing, Romania's elections are rapidly approaching.

These elections may be the most consequential presidential and parliamentary ones since the revolution of 35 years ago.

The results will have significant consequences for all Romanians, and their children for years to come.

I write this not as the former United States ambassador to Romania, but as an émigré who, along with his family, escaped the horrors of Romanian communism when he was nine years old.

I have seen a lifetime of false promises, baseless plans and schemes which have kept communists, socialists and others in power continually enriching themselves to the detriment of every Romanian.

Advances have been made since the revolution overthrowing the communists 35 years ago, but the revolution is not finished.

Vestiges of communism and socialism continue.

Only about 25% of the Romanian economy is private — government entities own some 1400 companies which lose hundreds of millions, if not billions, of euros annually, block the entry of privately owned competitors into the marketplace, fail to pay taxes, and are a repository for the politically connected and their friends.

Romania would not have a budgetary gap or an immense national debt were it not for these state owned companies being funded annually by taxpayer monies.

Romanians have lost faith in most state institutions.


Because they remain riddled with state security services personnel, Russian and Chinese sympathizers, and other corrupt political sycophants.

Moreover, most Romanians have no faith in their judiciary and prosecutorial services as influence peddling is rampant and "justice" seems made to order.

I urge all Romanians to have the courage to support those who favor western democracy and meritocracy, free markets, and economic growth; not government entitlements for the politically connected.

Only brave Romanians can make Romania the wonderful and great country it can be.

The revolution of 35 years ago has not been finished.

Socialism and outside interference from authoritarian and communist countries like Russia and China have kept Romania from reaching its true potential.

Although, Romania is one of Europe's richest countries in terms of natural resources, and skilled and educated people, it has one of the lowest standards of living in Europe, rising inflation, continually rising national debt, and annual budget deficits.

Most importantly, and quite sadly, Romanians have lost hope!

Since the early 2000s the population of Romania has decreased from approximately 23 million people to approximately 17 million people today.

Romanians emigrated to find better opportunities for themselves and their children. Of the remaining 17 million Romanians only about four and a half million to five million work in the private sector.

An approximately equal number work for state, municipal, and other government agencies and for the 1,400 or so companies owned by the state and municipalities.

The remaining population is either too young, too old or does not work for other reasons.

With minor exceptions, which can be counted on the fingers of your hands, these government owned entities are mismanaged, lose hundreds of millions if not billions of euros every year and are the repositories for the politically connected, family members of the politically connected, and their friends.

The taxpayers of Romania are bearing the cost of these failed leftover communist practices. Romania needs a real free market, private enterprise, and capitalist economic system to thrive and and attain its true economic potential.

Four and a half million people can’t carry the burden of supporting a country of 17 million people.

Romania has no economic plan to remedy its current budgetary problems and deficits.

The proposed higher taxes and sales price caps will not produce the intended benefits but will only accelerate the spiral into economic failure.

Higher taxes and sales price caps have failed in every country around the world where they have been tried.

Romania needs lower taxes and fewer regulations restricting business growth. Romania needs to be an inviting place for investment and business development.

Romania needs logical, common sense and transparent business laws and regulations as well as an independent judiciary system that investors can have confidence in.

The corruption and influence peddling must cease!

There are many candidates vying to be the next president of Romania spanning the political bandwidth from left to right, making wild, unrealistic promises in the hope of garnering, if buying votes.

Romania needs a leader that supports President elect Trump’s vision of a new "golden age" for the United States and the free world.

Romania and the United States need to move forward together without Russian and Chinese interference.

I have only heard one candidate articulate a viable recovery plan for Romania that is serious and credible — Nicolae Ciuca.

He explicitly called for good government, lower taxes, and fewer business regulations.

He also identified the post-war South Korean economic success model as a paradigm for Romania’s economic development.

Ciuca has additionally promised to maintain Romania’s flat income tax, as well as promote the private pension component of the pension system.

Ciuca, like President Trump, recognizes that it is the private sector that generates wealth and prosperity.

Ciuca recognizes that individuals and companies are better suited to decide how to invest their money than the government is. The size and scope of government needs to be reduced.

If the government-owned anchors dragging down the Romanian economy are removed and private enterprise given the opportunity to compete, the Romanian economy will become one of the most robust in Europe.

Romania's standard of living will increase as a result.

Romanians deserve better.

They must be the beneficiaries of their nation's riches, not the government, not the political elites, and the security services.

This is the time for Romania to embark with the United States, and president elect Donald J. Trump, in the new "golden age" of economic success and prosperity.

It's time for Romania to reject socialism, Chinese and Russian malignant influence, and embrace the resultant prosperity from a full and free private market economy.

President Javier Milei, of Argentina, replaced a socialist government and its restrictive, misguided policies and regulations.

2. Adrian Zuc... (zuckerman-presedintele-javier-milei_65257600.jpg)

Adrian Zuckerman, fostul ambasador al SUA în România și Președintele Argentinei Javier Milei

The results are an Argentinian economy in rebound, in less than one year.

Similarly, Georgia Meloni brought hope and prosperity back to the people of Italy, in a very short time after assuming office.

Romania needs a leader who can make it a part of the global economic turnaround, along with the United States, Argentina, Italy, and other countries shedding their socialist economic policies to seek prosperity and development.

This is Romania’s opportunity to step up and become part of a global success story.

I urge all Romanians to finish the revolution begun 35 years ago.

A time when those brave citizens gave their lives for freedom, and to seek prosperity, security, and freedom for their country.

The people should reject the baseless and empty promises of extremists and the failed policies of socialists.

They should pursue a secure, prosperous, decent, and great nation.

It can be done!

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